

Monitoring database covers the state of digital rights in Southern and Eastern Europe, documenting cases of violations of digital rights and freedoms.

cases of digital rights violations

The Movement of Free Citizens, in the electoral race for Belgrade, encountered various obstacles, one of which is the creation of fake websites on the internet under the name “Choosing the Fight”, (Biram borbu) which is the movement's slogan. On X, where the movement has an official profile, they confirmed that the site is not owned by them and that there is no official communication channel named "Choosing the Fight."


Doroteja Antic and Mila Pajic, students from the Department of Media Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, received numerous threats and insults via social media after publicly supporting the initiative for the adoption of a UN Resolution on the Srebrenica genocide. Since expressing their opinions, they have become targets of extreme right-wing groups. These groups published their phone numbers, and members of the groups have been harassing the students by phone. Professors and assistants from the Department of Media Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy expressed support for the students.



Media Privacy Index (MPI) is a composite indicator for the analysis of the protection of citizens’ right to privacy in the online media sphere of Serbia. This statistical tool was developed by the SHARE Foundation for public advocacy and improvement of privacy standards in the online media business.